Biowaste by Christian Moser, a Sustainable Recycle Bin

When living in an elegant and stylish interior, you become accustomed to all the items fitting in your luxurious place. Here is an example of how a garbage can can go well in a modern and classy home. Biowaste by Christian Moser was especially created to encourage people to lead a sustainable life. What strikes you first is its great look- you can’t really tell that this black and interesting-shaped item is in fact a garbage disposal. Biowaste comes with some other nice features like the possibility of throwing away things without getting in contact with the bin, not even when it is open.

34 bin01 QM4uG 1822 Biowaste by Christian Moser, a Sustainable  Recycle Bin

biomass bin 4TPq7 1822 Biowaste by Christian Moser, a Sustainable  Recycle Bin